To establish an institution for the care of Mentally Retarded children irrespective of caste and creed.
To provide for training, employment generation, rehabilitation of the mentally retarded and physically handicapped children.
To establish and run vocational training centres for training such children to make them self-supporting.
To establish non-formal education, and skill training for poor young women.
To establish Community Health Programme.
To establish, maintain and manage hostels, group homes and sheltered workshops to provide work opportunities to the weaker section of the society to enable them to earn their own livelihood either independently or in collaboration either the Government or Non-Government agencies.
To conduct research centers, laboratories, libraries and centers for promoting the welfare of the weaker section of our society especially the handicapped irrespective of caste and creed.
To conduct family education programs and community orientation activities for changing the outlook of the public in dealing with the handicapped persons in our society.
To find out sponsors for offering fellowships, scholarships etc. for talented students for higher socio-economic technical studies and for research in India and abroad.